June 21: Summer Solstice
Litha, Midsummer, Alban Heruin (Druidic), Sommersonnwende (German)
By some, Old Litha/the alternative calendar date of June 25 is used.

The longest day of the year.
On this day, life force is celebrated,
but also the awareness that all things must pass.

The Sun King embraces the Queen of Summer,
the Maiden Goddess. The Lord of Light will soon die
and change to the Dark Lord.
We celebrate the passing of the sun, and the changes
the Wheel of Life brings.
Midsummer is both a fire and a water festival-
Fire representing the God, water the Goddess.
Two symbols of this day are the spear (Sun God)
and the summer cauldron (Goddess).

This is a perfect time for working herbal magic.
Midsummer Night's Eve is the evening herbs and
flowers picked are at their most potent.
Gather Carnation, Chamomile, Daisy, Elder, Fern,
Honeysuckle, Ivy, Lavender and Lily, Mugwort,
Oak, Rose, Vervain, Wild Thyme, Yarrow.

St John's wort, nettle, thorn and burdock,
harvested now, will protect your home
when hung on doors and windows.

Stonehenge Solstice
Stonehenge Solstice
16 in. x 20 in.
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To inspire harmony to your home, pick a bunch of Buttercups to hang over your door.
Allow the falling petals to remain on your threshold for a week (continued below)...

Incarnation of the Sun
Incarnation of the Sun
Bernhard, Durga
7 in. x 5 in.
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Other Customs:

Fertility is said to be hightened for a woman who picks St John's Wort,
while nude, on Midsummer's Eve.

The bonfires of Midsummer's Eve are lit with woods of the sacred oak and fir.
Jumping through/over the fires is said to bring luck and fertility.

The dew found on Midsummer is said to bring health to those who drink it.

Clad yourself in the colors of the sun:
wear clothes of golden colors, amulets and necklaces of amber, and golden rings.

Feast on fresh garden fruit and vegetables.

Burn incense of Lemon, Myrrh, Pine, Rose or Wisteria.

Fairy Lore and the Midsummer Night's Eve:

During a full moon on Midsummer Night's Eve, you may
witness fairy dances and celebrations.

It is also said that you will be able to see the fairies,
if you pick a fern seed at the stroke
of midnight, and rub it into your eyelids!

Remember to leave an offering to the fairies on this night,
so they will think of you with pleasure.

Shell Fairies
Shell Fairies
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Blessed Midsummer to you and yours!

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