Copyright Info

Many of the graphics on this site are designed by myself.
Please do not use or modify them in any way or medium!
If you simply cannot live without the graphic,
Email me
and we'll talk about it.
I might even design something new/similar for you.

The same goes for creating copy-cat sites.
Most webdesigners invest a lot of hours, hard work,
love and headache into their projects.
Don't rip our work off, and spoil the fun for everyone.

As for those graphics which are not my own designs
(currently, most -but not all- animations),
I will always try my best to give credit where it is due.

These 'foreign' graphics have *only* been downloaded
from 'free-to-take' websites.
However, I have noticed that most animations' copyright seems
to be claimed by several different sites/authors.

If a link to your graphics site should be here and is not,
please accept my apologies and let me know.

Email me
right away so that I may provide a link to you.

If you find something on this site that
should not be here, it was unintentional.
Please Email me
if you find any item that should be removed.

* * * Thanks for supporting 'Netiquette'! * * *

Unless stated otherwise on picture,
all Charmed cast images not for sale via this website
remain ©property of WB/Spelling Entertainment Inc, and/or the respective
film/production companies and their photographers.

Links to Graphic sites/portals I have used
or am going to use:

Free Animations

feebleminds animated gifs and clipart

The Free Site!


Free Backgrounds

Get your Unicorn here

If you don't see the Title Frame 
at the top of this page,
go to instead!


We do not take responsibility for the content of any
websites linked to from this site.
Links are provided solely for use at your own discretion.